| | | |
Nama Lembaga | Nama Program Beasiswa | Jenis Beasiswa | Link Website |
Korean Government | Global Korea Scholarship | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/ko/scholarshipmain.do |
Support Program for Self-financed Students | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/ko/scholarship/Gks2Gov 1.do |
Chinese Government Scholarship | Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS) | Undergraduates, Postgraduates, General and Senior | https://www.campuschina.org/content/details3_74776.h tml |
Malaysian Government | Beasiswa International Malaysia (MIS) | S2/S3/Guru | https://biasiswa.mohe.gov.my/INTER/
The Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP) | S2 | https://biasiswa.mohe.gov.my/INTER/nyroModalDoc/mt cp.php |
JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) | International Student Scholarship (Monbukagakusho Scholarship for International Students)
Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Study in Japan under Agreement)
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho MEXT) Scholarship
Scholarships from Local Governments, International Exchange Organizations, etc.
School Scholarships and Tuition Fee Reductions Systems | Graduate schools (doctorate, master’s)
Research students (graduate level)
Undergraduate universities
Junior colleges
Colleges of technology (third year and
Specialized training college (post secondary course)
Preparatory Japanese language course by private university and junior college student
Advanced course by university, junior college, and technical college
University preparatory courses | https://www.studyinjapan.go.jp/en/planning/about-scholarship/ |
Agency for Science, Technology and Reaserch (A*STAR) | A*STAR Scholarship | Secondary/ Junior Collage/ Polytechnic, Undergraduate, PhD, Master, Post Doctoral | https://www.a-star.edu.sg/Scholarships |
DGIST International | DGIST International Graduate Program | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.dgist.ac.kr/iadm/html/sub02/02010402. html tit_cont |
TIE UPS Internasional (India - Indonesia Edu Links) | TIE-UPS International Scholarship | S1 | http://itie-ups.com/recruitment/ |
Mitsui Bussan | Mitsui Bussan Scholarship Program | S1 | https://www.mbkscholarship-id.com/mitsui-bussan- japan-scholarship-step-by-step-2022/ |
Ajinomoto | Ajinomoto Scholarship | S2/ Research Student | https://www.ajinomoto.co.id/id/beasiswa |
Beasiswa Korea | Informasi Beasiswa di Korea Selatan | S1/S2/S3/dll | https://beasiswakorea.com/info-beasiswa-korea- selatan/ |
Research Grants Council (RGC) | Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) | S3 | City University of Hong Kong - https://www.cityu.edu.hk/pg/hong-kong-phd-fellowship-scheme
Lingnan University - https://www.ln.edu.hk/rpg/
The Chinese University of Hong Kong - https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/admissions/scholarships-fees/hkpfs
The Education University of Hong Kong - https://www.eduhk.hk/gradsch/index.php/scholarship/ugc-tpg- fellowship-scheme.html
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - https://www.polyu.edu.hk/gs/prospective-students/hkpfs/
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - https://fytgs.hkust.edu.hk/scholarships/hong-kong-phd- fellowship-scheme
Hong Kong Baptist University - https://gs.hkbu.edu.hk/admission/hong-kong-phd-fellowship- scheme/introduction
The University of Hong Kong - https://gradsch.hku.hk/prospective_students/fees_scholarships_ and_financial_support/postgraduate_scholarships |
Korea National University of Arts | Art Major Asia (AMA) | S1 dan S2 | https://www.karts.ac.kr/en/karts/ama.do |
University of Science and Technology (UST) | University of Science and Technology Scholarship | S2/S3 | https://admission.ust.ac.kr/prog/entschGuideline/admission_ eng/sub02_01_01/list.do |
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) | Beasiswa POSTECH | S2/S3 | https://adm-g.postech.ac.kr/ENG/admission/gist/ |
Handong Global University | Handong Cornestone Scholarship | S1 | https://www.handong.edu/eng/admission/undergraduate/u nder_guide/undergraduate/ |
Outstanding International Students | S1 |
Entrance Scholarship for International Students (With Official Language Test Scores) : KOREAN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY | S1 |
Handong Global University | Entrance Scholarship for International Students (With Official Language Test Scores) : English LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY | S1 | https://www.handong.edu/eng/admission/undergraduat e/under_guide/undergraduate/ |
KDI SCHOOL of Public Policy and Management Scholarship | Global Ambassador Scholarship (GAS) | S2/S3 | https://www.kdischool.ac.kr/ /admissions/cp/internation al/scholarship |
Seoul G20 Global Leaders Fellowship | S2 |
Asian Intitute of Technology | His Majestty the King's Scholarship for Doctoral Program | S3 | https://ait.ac.th/student/student-international-exchange/ |
His Majestty the King's Scholarship for Master'sProgram | S2 |
Her Majestty the King's Scholarship for
Master'sProgram | S2 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) | Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (JASSO Scholarship) | S1 | https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/student- support/prospective-students/scholarships/jasso |
Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship
Program | S2 | https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/international-student-
exchange/prospective-students/scholarships/adb-jsp |
Tohoku University | Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship | S1, S2 | https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/ryugaku/scholarship_j/shoreihi
/about.html |
National University of Singapore | ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship (AUS) | S1 | https://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/scholarships/freshmen- sprs/asean-undergraduate-scholarship-(aus) |
The Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship | S1 | https://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/scholarships/freshmen- sprs/science-technology-(s-t)-undergraduate-scholarship |
GIC Scholarship | S1 | https://brightsparks.com.sg/profile/gic/scholarship.php |
Dr. Goh Keng Swee Scholarship | S1 | https://abs.org.sg/dr-goh-keng-swee-scholarship |
Benjy Grinberg Scholarship | S1, S2 | http://benjygrinbergscholarship.com/ |
Meiji University International Students Incentive | Meiji University International Students Incentive Scholarship Program (sebelum penerimaan) | Undergraduate, Graduate, English Track Program | https://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/admissions/financial.html |
Meiji University Special Grant for Privately Financed International Students (sebelum penerimaan) | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/admissions/financial.html |
Jiangsu University | Jiangsu University Scholarship | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/jiangsu-university-csc-scholarship.html |
Tzu Chi Univertity | Tzu Chi Univertity Science and Technology Scholarship | S2/S3 | http://tcueng.tcu.edu.tw/scholarships-3/ |
Nanyang Technological
University | NTU-University Scholars Programme
(NTU-USP) Scholarship | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/
programme Content_C029_Col00 |
Ritsumeikan University | Beasiswa tersedia SEBELUM Mendaftar di RU | S1 | https://en.ritsumei.ac.jp/e-ug/financial_info/scholarships.html/ |
Beasiswa tersedia SETELAH
Pendaftaran di RU |
Beasiswa untuk mahasiswa College of Global Liberal Arts |
Singapore Management University | Program Cendekiawan Lee Kong Chian | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/lee-kong-chian-scholars- programme |
Beasiswa Sarjana ASEAN | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/asean-undergraduate-scholarship |
Beasiswa Sarjana Sains & Teknologi | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial- aid/science_and_technology_undergraduate_scholarship |
Tokyo University | University of Tokyo Fellowship; The University of Tokyo Special Scholarship for International Students | S2, S3 | https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/prospective- students/fellowship.html |
Lasalle College of Arts Singapore | Future Leader Scholarship | D3, S1 | https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/ba-hons-admissions/scholarship- financial-support/scholarships/future-leader-scholarship (Undergraduate) ; https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/diploma-admissions/scholarship- financial-support/scholarships/future-leader-scholarship (Diploma) |
Lasalle Scholarship | D3, S1 | https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/ba-hons-admissions/scholarship- financial-support/scholarships/lasalle-scholarship (Undergraduate) ; https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/diploma-admissions/scholarship- financial-support/scholarships/lasalle-scholarship (Diploma) |
Veda Mekani Scholarship | S1 | https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/ba-hons-admissions/scholarship- financial-support/scholarships/veda-mekani-scholarship |
MA Merit Award | S2 | https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/postgraduate- admissions/scholarship-financial-support/scholarships/ma-merit-award |
SEASIA Scholars Award | S2 | https://www.lasalle.edu.sg/admissions/postgraduate- admissions/scholarship-financial-support/scholarships/seasia-scholars- award |
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) | Nanyang Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/sch olarships/nanyang-scholarship Content_C005_Col00 |
School Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/sch olarships/school-scholarship Content_C006_Col00 |
Nanyang Scholarship (CN Yang Scholars Programme) | S1 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/sch olarships/nanyang-scholarship-(cn-yang-scholars- programme) Content_C003_Col00 |
College Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/sch
olarships/college-scholarship Content_C034_Col00 |
The NTU Science and Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/sch olarships/hass-scholarship Content_C006_Col00 |
The NTU Science and Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/sch olarships/ntu-science-and-engineering-undergraduate- scholarship Content_C006_Col00 |
Singapore Management University | Ian R. Taylor Asia Scholarship | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/IanR.TaylorAsia_Scholarship |
Tanoto Scholarship (Beacon Program) | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/tanoto-scholarship-beacon- programme |
Tahir Indonesian Scholarship | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial-
matters/financial-aid/tahir-indonesian-scholarship |
SMU International Scholarship | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/SMUInternational_Scholarship |
Shirin Fozdar Scholarship | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/shirin-fozdar-scholarship |
Sharon Lee Teng Siew Scholarship | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/sharon-lee-teng-siew- scholarship |
Ng Kai Wa Scholarship | S1 | https://admissions.smu.edu.sg/financial- matters/financial-aid/ng-kai-wa-scholarship |