| | | |
Nama Lembaga | Nama Program Beasiswa | Jenis Beasiswa | Link Website |
Chevening Indonesia - British
Embassy Jakarta | Chevening Scholarship | S2 | Indonesia (Chevening Scholarship) |
European Union | Erasmus +
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD)
Erasmus Mundus Partnership | S2/S3/dll | https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/programme-
https://www.eacea.ec.europa.eu/scholarships/erasmus- mundus-catalogue_en |
Campus France Indonesia - Kedutaan Besar Prancis di Indonesia | Beasiswa France Excellence D3/S1 | D3/S1 | Beasiswa - Institut français Indonésie |
Beasiswa France Excellence S2 | S2 |
Beasiswa Master 2 | S2 |
Beasiswa Tematik | S2 |
Beasiswa Kartini Sains | S2 |
Nuffic Neso Indonesia | OKP - LPDP: Studeren in Netherland (StuNed) | S2/ Tailor-Made- Training (TMT) | https://www.studyinholland.nl/finances/okp-lpdp-stuned- joint-scholarship-programme about-the-scholarship |
Orange Knowladge Programme (OKP) | Intitutional cooperation/ Tailor- Made-Training (TMT)/individual scholarship (Master, short course) | https://www.nuffic.nl/sites/default/files/2021-01/obligations- for-scholarship-holders-okp-individual-scholarships-version- 6.pdf |
Uni Italia Indonesia | Invest Your Talent in Italy | S2 | https://investyourtalentapplication.esteri.it/SitoInvestYourTa lentApplication/documents.asp |
Grant for Foreign and Italian Citizens Living Aboard Awarded by The Italian Government | S2/S3 | https://studyinitaly.esteri.it/en/call-for-procedure |
Campus Spain | Spanish LCA | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.campusspain.es/spanish-lca |
DAAD | Program Helmut-Schmit: Beasiswa Magister Kebijakan Publik dan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik (PPGG) | S2 | https://www2.daad.de/medien/deutschland/stipendien/for
mulare/ppgg-announcement.pdf |
Program Pascasarjana Terkait Pengembangan (EPOS) | S2/S3 | https://www2.daad.de/medien/der-daad/medien- publikationen/publikationen-pdfs/2019_epos-broschuere-21- 22.pdf |
BMBWF | Ernst Mach Grant - worldwide | S2/PhD students/ PhD holder/Post Doctoral | https://grants.at/en/?=MTcxMTVfMTgxMjlfOQ== |
Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) | S1/S2/S3 | https://grants.at/en/?=MTc5MjdfMTg5NzVfMw== |
Ernst Mach-Nachbetreuungsstipendium (EZA) | PhD | https://grants.at/de/?=MjAwMzdfMjExNjVfNTI= |
BMBWF | Ernst Mach Grants-ASEA-UNINET | S1/S2/Post graduates/PhD students/PhD holder/Post Doctoral | https://grants.at/en/?=MjA3NzFfMjE5MzRfMA== |
Hungarian Government | Stipendium Hungarium Scholarship | S1/S2/S3/ One-tier master/ non-degree program | https://stipendiumhungaricum.hu/ |
Belgian Flemish Government | VLIR-UOS | S2 | https://www.vliruos.be/en/scholarships/scholarships_in_flande rs/scholarships_for_master_programmes_(icp_connect)/114 w hat-is-the-application-procedure |
Flemish Ministry of
Education | Master Mind | S2 | https://www.kuleuven.be/global/going-
abroad/masterminds/mastermind |
Study in Norway | Mobility Grant | S2/S3 | https://www.studyinnorway.no/content/download/141178/2492 174/file/Guidelines%20Mobility%20Grant%20for%20Norwegian
%20Language%20and%20Literature%202022.pdf |
The Anglo-Norse Society | Beasiswa Pascasarjana Dame Gillian Brown | S2 | http://anglo-norse.org.uk/scholarships-grants |
NAWA | The Banach Scholarship Programme | S2/S3 | https://nawa.gov.pl/en/students/foreign-students/the- banach-scholarship-programme |
Romanian Government | Romanian Government Scholarship | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.mae.ro/en/node/10251 |
Finland Government | Finland Scholarships | S1/S2 | https://www.studyinfinland.fi/scholarships |
Study in Russia | Russian Government Scholarship | S1/S2/S3 | https://studyinrussia.ru/en/actual/scholarships/ |
The Swedish Institute | Swedish Institute Scholarships | S2 | https://si.se/en/apply/scholarships/swedish-institute-
scholarships-for-global-professionals/ |
Republik Turki | Turkiye Burslari Scholarship | Full-Time Scholarship : Program Beasiswa Sarjana, Program Beasiswa Pascasarjana, Program Beasiswa Seni, Program Beasiswa Merit | https://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/fulltimeprograms |
Short-Term Scholarship : Program Beasiswa Sukses (1 tahun), Program Beasiswa Penelitian (3-12 bulan), KATIP (8-10 bulan) | https://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/shorttermprograms |
Joint Scholarship Programs : DAFI Scholarship Program, SPARK Scholarship Program, IsDB Scholarship Program, Yemeni Pioneers Sholarship Program, WIPO Scholarship, Higher Education Support Program | https://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/partneredprograms |
Swedish Government | Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals | S1/S2/S3 | https://si.se/en/apply/scholarships/swedish-institute- scholarships-for-global-professionals/ |
U Lisboa | Doctoral Degree (3rd cycle) Scholarship Program | S3 | https://www.ulisboa.pt/en/info/doctoral-degree-3rd-cycle- scholarship-program |
Student Support Services | Mahasiswa ULisboa | https://www.ulisboa.pt/en/info/student-support-services-0 |
Special Educational Needs | Mahasiswa ULisboa | https://www.ulisboa.pt/en/info/special-educational-needs |
Ireland Government | Government of Ireland - International Education Scholarship (GOI-IES) | S1/S2/S3 | https://eurireland.ie/assets/uploads/2021/11/GOI-IES-Call- 2022.pdf |
Government of Ireland Postgraduate
Scholarship Programme | S2/S3 | https://eurireland.ie/assets/uploads/2021/11/GOI-IES-Call-
2022.pdf |
University of Derby | Postgraduate (PTG) Scholarship | S2 | https://www.derby.ac.uk/study/fees- finance/scholarships/?utm_source=google&utm_ medium=ppc&utm_content=brand-pg- google&utm_campaign=pg+recruit+brand&gclid= CjwKCAjwiuuRBhBvEiwAFXKaNJVDz9imNJwHh- XHnV1QVhIPoK3YZl8lmZQNaSLiDou4KlPSi9jMfho CfJcQAvD_BwE |
Beasiswa Merit Internasional | S1/S2 |
Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship | S1/S2 |
International Excellent Student Scholarship | S1/S2 |
GREAT Scholarships | S2 |
University of Oxford | Jardines Scholarship | S1/S2 | https://www.jardines.com/en/sustainability/our- strategy/shaping-social-inclusion/jardine- foundation?tab=apply- |
University of Oxford | Reach Oxford Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/fee s-and-funding/oxford-support/reach-oxford- scholarship |
Simon and Jun Li Undergraduate
Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/fee s-and-funding/oxford-support/simon-and-june-li- scholarship |
Clarendon | S2/S3 | https://www.ox.ac.uk/clarendon/information-for-
applicants |
Ertegun | S2 | www.ertegun.ox.ac.uk/scholarships |
University of Cambridge | Jardines Scholarship | S1/S2 | https://www.jardines.com/en/sustainability/our- strategy/shaping-social-inclusion/jardine- foundation?tab=apply- |
Cambridge Trust | S1/S2/S3 | https://www.cambridgetrust.org/scholarships/ |
Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship | PhD, PHd terintegrasi MRes+PhD (1+3) | https://www.hardingscholars.fund.cam.ac.uk/apply/ eligibility |
Imperial Collage London | President's Undergraduate
Scholarship | S1 | https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/ug/fees-and- funding/bursaries-and-scholarships/presidents- scholarships/ |
President's PhD Scholarship | S3 | https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/pg/fees-and-
funding/scholarships/presidents-phd-scholarships/ |
Chevening Schcolarsdips | S2 | https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/pg/fees-and- funding/scholarships/international-scholarship- collaborations/chevening-scholarships/ |
University Collage London (UCL) | UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship | S1 | https://www.ucl.ac.uk/scholarships/ucl-global- undergraduate-scholarship |
The University of Manchester | Global Future Scholarship | S1/S2 | https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/c ountry-specific- information/indonesia/scholarships/ country-profile |
Subject Specific Award | - | https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/fi nance-and-scholarships/funding/subject-specific- awards/ |
| | S2 (Department of | |
| | Chemical Engineering | |
| | Department of | |
| Engineering the Future Scholarship | Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering Department of Electrical and | https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/fi nance-and-scholarships/funding/engineering- future-scholarships/ |
| | Electronic Engineering | |
The University of Manchester | | Department of Computer Science) | |
| Manchester Institute of Education Master's Bursary | S2 | https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/fi nance-and-scholarships/funding/mie-masters- bursary/ |
| Manchester Humanities International
Excellence Scholarship | S2 | https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/international/fi nance-and-scholarships/funding/manchester- humanities-international-excellence-scholarship/ |
University of Warwick | Warwick Undergraduate Global Excellence Scholarship | S1 | https://warwick.ac.uk/study/scholarships-and-
bursaries/undergraduate- scholarships/ AwardCriteria1 |
The Music Centre - Scholarships and Exhibitions | S1 | https://warwick.ac.uk/study/scholarships-and-
scholarships/ AwardCriteria1 |
Albukhary Undergraduate Scholarships | S1 | https://warwick.ac.uk/study/scholarships-and- bursaries/undergraduate-
scholarships/ AwardCriteria2 |
Director's Scholarship | S1 | https://warwick.ac.uk/study/scholarships-and- bursaries/undergraduate-
scholarships/ AwardCriteria3 |
Utrecht University | Holland Scholarship | Beasiswa Master pada program tertentu | https://www.uu.nl/en/masters/general- information/application-and-admission/grants-and- scholarships/holland-scholarship |
OKP-LPDP: StuNed Joint Scholarship Programme | S2 | https://www.studyinnl.org/finances/okp-lpdp- stuned-joint-scholarship-programme |
University of Amsterdam | Amsterdam Merit Scholarship | S1, S2 | https://www.uva.nl/en/education/fees-and- funding/masters-scholarships-and- loans/amsterdam-merit-scholarship/amsterdam- merit-scholarship.html |
Delft University of Technology | Justus & Lousie van Effen Scholarship | S2 | https://www.tudelft.nl/onderwijs/praktische- zaken/scholarships/justus-louise-van-effen- excellence-scholarships |
QuTech Scholarship | S2 | https://www.tudelft.nl/onderwijs/praktische-
zaken/scholarships |
Faculty Scholarship | S2 | https://www.tudelft.nl/onderwijs/praktische- zaken/scholarships/holland-scholarship |
Holland Scholarship | S2 | https://www.tudelft.nl/onderwijs/praktische-
zaken/scholarships/holland-scholarship |
Barcelona School of Economics | BSE Scholarship | S2 | https://bse.eu/admissions/funding |
Leiden University | Lion Scholarship | master's program in physics | https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/scholarships/sci ence/lion-scholarship |
Holland Scholarship | Bachelor's at Archaeology Humanities, Governance and Global Affairs, Social and Behavioural Sciences areas | https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/scholarships/se a/holland-scholarship---incoming |
Eindhoven University of Technology | AMANDUS H. LUNDQVIST SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM | S2 | https://www.tue.nl/en/education/become-a-tue- student/scholarships-and-grants/amandus-h- lundqvist-scholarship-program/ |
HOLLAND SCHOLARSHIP | S2 | https://www.tue.nl/en/education/become-a-tue- student/scholarships-and-grants/holland- scholarship/ |
University of Groningen | Amplify Scholarship | Ph.D., Master (MSc/MA/LL.M.) | https://www.rug.nl/education/scholarships/amplify- scholarship |
Eric Bleumink Fund | S2 | https://www.rug.nl/education/scholarships/eric- bleumink-fund |
University of Groningen | HOLLAND SCHOLARSHIP | | https://www.rug.nl/education/master/international- students/financial-matters/holland- scholarship/?lang=en |
The University of Nottingham | ASEAN and Oceania Postgraduate Excellence Award | S2 | https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/funding/asean- and-oceania-postgraduate-excellence-award |
GREAT Scholarships – Indonesia and Mexico | S2 | https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pgstudy/funding/great- scholarships |
Undergraduate Excellence Awards | S1 | https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/studywithus/internation
al-applicants/scholarships/asean-ug.aspx |
Reykjavik University | Reykjavik University Scholarship | | https://en.ru.is/services/student-services/scholarships- and-awards/ |
Waganingen University & Research | Holland Scholarship for international
bachelor students | S1 | https://www.wur.nl/en/education- programmes/bachelor/practical- information/scholarships/holland-scholarship- programme.htm |
Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS) | S1 & S2 | https://www.studyinnl.org/finances/orange-tulip-
scholarship-programme |