Step to Paradise

29 sec read

You’re a shiny pearl
But looks too dark
You’re a sweet honey
But tasted too bitter
You’re a beauty rose
But felt too wilt
To Look U’r Shiny
To Taste U’r Sweet
And To Feel U’r Beauty Are very Hard for Me

I am not ‘The Have’
Who Can Pay U’r ‘Fee’
I am not ‘Open Minded’
Who can reach U’r Height
I am only a tiny creature has hearth Which never stops to hope you
Being My Future…. Paradise,
Receive me what I am..
MBs, 26th Oct 09
By; Perindu Surga
Terinspirasi oleh Hadist yang berbunyi
“Alaa wainna jannata khuffat bilmakaarih, alaa wainna an-naara khuffat bisyahawat”
Ingat lah! sesungguhnya surga itu dikelilingi oleh hal-hal yang kau benci,
ingatlah! sesungguhnya neraka itu dikelilingi dengan hal-hal yang kau sukai..

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